The Story Behind Blue Bee Skincare
There are several reasons why Blue Bee was an appropriate name for my skincare business, the main reason
was the state of mind I was in when I first thought of the idea of even starting a skincare line of my own. Going through undergrad, I always felt like I was going into medicine for the wrong reasons. I applied to 45 medical schools several years in a row, with little to no interest in my application. It wasn't until getting accepted into one that I realized how much time and money I had wasted to get to this point. After many application cycles, I remember receiving an email from one of my "dream" schools. I assumed it would be the same email I'd received time and time again "With sincere regret..". Instead, the email started with "Congratulations!" and my heart sank. I thought I'd feel a sense of excitement or at least relief that everything I worked so hard for was coming into place...I mean this was supposed to be the moment I waited almost a decade for, the one I stayed up late studying 600 hours for my MCAT for.. the one I gave up almost all of my 20s for, and instead I felt anxious and sick to my stomach. It was that moment I knew I'd been on the wrong path the entire time. I loved the science-driven courses that my degree offered me, and it's helped immensely with developing my skincare formulations, but I knew how unhappy I'd be if I accepted that offer...so I turned it down.
What followed in the coming months was a depressive blur. I felt completely lost like I was aimlessly wandering through life with no direction. Every waking moment I spent going back and forth thinking whether or not I made the right decision. Not the normal story behind a skincare brand is it? It was at four in the morning in October of 2020 that my sister-in-law sent me a skincare serum on Instagram. I usually don't check my phone at that time, but I decided to for some reason. It was that one random Instagram message that sparked a flash of ideas that would soon develop into this company. For the first time since leaving my premedical journey, I felt alive and with purpose again.
It was the sign I needed to pursue my passion for skincare. I ran the idea by Michael (my husband), and as always he fully embraced it. He even came up with the name! He said why don't you include blue in the name since you've been so down and sad lately, and just add B since that's what everyone calls you as a nickname? I laughed it off at the moment, but later decided how much I loved it. I decided to add the two e's at the end making it Blue Bee because of how important bees are in regards to the plant and flower extracts I use in my products. As the owner of a flower farm, bees play such a vital part in my business... and so the dual meaning behind Blue Bee was born!